Summary of Faculty Interviews on Use of CARES Toolkit Pilot

In summary, faculty responses show:

  • A high degree of satisfaction with the CARES Toolkit components used.
  • A commitment to continue use of the Toolkit in future semesters.
    • All Colleges will be using cases and other CARES Toolkit materials during the next 18 month period of the University of Arizona Health Sciences implementation of the Toolkit curriculum and resources.
  • Plans to adapt and expand the curriculum to fit their students’ needs and their College’s educational structure.
  • The emergence of the College of Public Health as a committed non-clinical partner in this interprofessional pilot.

Lessons Learned in Pilot of CARES Toolkit

  • Image
    Puzzle pieces

    Importance of facilitating each Health Science College's diverse educational settings

  • The flexibility of the CARES Toolkit Curriculum and adaptability of component combinations

  • Faculty's high rating of CARES Toolkit Interprofessional and Discipline Specific Cases

  • Students increase in End-of-Life/Serious Illness knowledge, positive attitudes and career interest

  • Students high rating of usefulness of CARES Toolkit components

Case Use in Existing EOL Instruction

Pilot Study Results


(N = 32/125/177)*

*Useable/Baseline Sample/Students Involved

General knowledge
Perceived knowledge
Perceived self-efficacy
Attitudes toward EOL/SI care
Interest in pursuing a career involving EOL/SI Care
No Change
Likelihood of pursuing a career
No Change

Student Evaluation of CARES Toolkit

Percent who found materials useful or very useful
Topics Discussed
Materials on Community Services/Resources
Emphasis on Interprofessional Team Roles
Emphasis on Cultural Diversity
CARES Webpage